blush moto jacket.
there's a long & crazy story behind the main piece in today's post. i found this blush leather jacket a few months ago and kept my eye on it. it wasn't long before it sold out online, and i knew it was one of those items i had to have in my wardrobe--a classic leather jacket in my favorite color. i called around various All Saints stores and finally managed to snag the last one in my size at the Soho store in Manhattan. the purchase was made over the phone and i was as giddy as a school girl!it arrived a week later and it looked amazing...until i looked closer and realized there were several spots on the jacket with blue pen ink on it. i was heart broken. i went through some serious hoops to find the last one in my size, then finally pulled the trigger on a real leather jacket... and it had pen all over it! i called All Saints' customer service & of course they were mortified. they said i could return with no problem... but i couldn't exchange since it was the last one! they were so kind to offer to pay to have the jacket professionally cleaned, but told me that i could not return if it was cleaned and didn't fully come out. for me, returning this gem was not an option. so, i took the chance and sent it to the cleaners. luckily the pen spots were removed! but i seriously had so much anxiety about it until it came back from the cleaners on the day we were moving! #firstworldproblemsanyways, just a funny little story. on another note, we are officially here in San Francisco and all moved in! we left SLC Saturday morning and we were planning to spend the night in Reno and continue onto SF Sunday morning. well, we got to Reno around 3:30pm and just decided to keep driving, we were too excited to stop! my father-in-law drove our Uhaul truck and followed us the entire way, too. after about 12 hours of driving, we pulled into SF at 8:00pm Saturday evening & unloaded just our mattresses so we could pass out after a long day. the next morning we woke up and unloaded everything! {huge thanks to our amazing friends here in the Bay who helped unload/organize!}!we are currently in the process of unpacking. i thought i did a really good job of purging before moving, but we still have way too much furniture for this apartment. i'll be sure to show you all around on snapchat once we get a little more organized {username: sarahktripp}. thanks to everyone who asked questions for my first snapchat Q&A on the road on Saturday! i'll be sure to do another one soon! oh and our couch couldn't fit in the door of our apartment, so we will be getting a new one this week HAHA. all in all the past two days have been a wonderful whirlwind & robbie and i are so glad to finally be HOME! we documented our entire road trip and move so robbie is currently putting together the funnest little video that i can't wait to share with everyone on my upcoming youtube channel! stay tuned! xx
jacket: All Saintstee: Targetjeans: Joe'sheels: Valentinohandbag: Tory Burchwatch: Michael Korssunnies: Karen Walker via Dittolips: Koko K
photos by Chantel Marie