mixing patterns.
we had an amazing staycation at Hotel Zelos this past weekend & i can't wait to share my review later this week! keep an eye out.in other news, this is probably one of my favorite outfits ever. i'm pretty much a dress girl through & through, but there's nothing quite like a polished jean look. this outfit is urban, but still feminine and i love how this bright floral blazer just pulls everything together. sadly, it's sold out online but the good news is you can still find it in Banana Republic stores {and on major sale}! i've always been a fan of mixing patterns and the floral/stripe combo is one of my favorites.keep scrolling to see all the exact items i've bought thus far from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! a few of my favorites have sold out, but the good news is Nordstrom restocks most. a tip from a former Nordstrom employee: it's actually the law that if an item is advertised, it must be included in the sale. that means, if an item is currently sold out, but in the sale catalogue, it'll be restocked when public access launches July 22nd! just be sure to log on at midnight on July 21st if there's something you still want that's sold out.have the best monday! it's my cute nephew's 2nd birthday & my brother facetimed me from miami this morning as he opened his present from robbie & i. they just moved to florida, so we got him beach toys & his little reaction was priceless! can't wait to visit them in a few weeks. xx
striped bf tee {sized up for looser fit}Banana Republic floral blazer {sold out, similar here & here}distressed Paige denimhot pink heelsbow chokerLanvin gold sunglasseshot pink watch {similar}hot pink Celine handbagpink nouveau lipstickHidden Crown hair extensions
photos by Lisha Wang
i wanted to share exactly what i've bought from the #Nsale thus far! there's a few more items on my list, but below is what i've ordered or picked up!
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