sparkly Chanel boots.
it's no secret i love pink all year round. andddddd even though this wasn't intentionally about Valentine's Day, the pink x pink x pink with heart tights kinda makes it seem that way, doesn't it? whoops! my love for pink {and red} knows no bounds for Valentine's Day inspo, haha!i specifically bought this pink oversized sweater dress to wear with my sparkly Chanel boots months ago, and now that they holiday are over i finally was able to break it out. so many of you have asked how i'll style my statement boots, and this is the first of many looks to come! i've never been afraid of statement pieces, and these boots have been on my list since they debuted on the runway in Paris last February. here's a more budget-friendly version that i've tried on previously and loved, too! one of my favorite parts about fashion is that you truly can make it your own, sparkly-over-the-top Chanel boots included.robbie and i are kicking off the week by running a million errands today because tomorrow we are heading to Tahoe for a ski trip! we are so, so excited to be staying with our friends at The Village at Squaw Valley and learning {okay, re-learning... it's been years!} to ski with other bloggers for a few days. anddd stay tuned, because i have a super fun opportunity in LA towards the end of the week that i can't wait to share! xxps: this giant pink garage is one of my faves and can be found at 24th and 3rd Street in San Francisco!
pink oversized sweater dressheart tightssilver Chanel glitter boots {budget-friendly version here}pink old medium Chanel Boy bagpink rhinestone earringsChanel cat-eye sunglasses {budget-friendly version here}Pink Nouveau lipstick