using my PMD Personal Microderm!
a few months ago, my friend Corrine from Mint Arrow invited me to an event at the Disneyland Hotel {you might remember from this photo}! Corrine is someone i looked up to and followed for a long time before we became friends. she's a deal blogger, meaning she posts the best sales on various categories like fashion, beauty, lifestyle, mommy products, etc. this event was to celebrate Corrine's hugely successful partnership with PMD Beauty. PMD beauty is an incredible beauty brand, and every Black Friday Corrine partners with them to create a custom PMD Personal Microderm. it's always highly discounted and sells out in literally hours. PMD is sold at Nordstrom, Sephora, Saks, etc, so it's truly the real deal. the event was so fun and i loved cheering on all of Corinne's success. Robbie and i chatted with the CEO and his wife, and we were totally inspired by their story. they sent us home with many of their products, including my very own Personal Microderm.
okay, i know what you're thinking. but what is a Personal Microderm!?basically, the PMD Personal Microderm is a spa quality microdermabrasion treatment that fits in your hand and you can use in the comfort of your own home. microdermabrasion is a technique that uses exfoliation and suction to remove dead skin, stimulate collagen and new cell growth, and help fade scars. in return, your skincare products absorb better, your makeup goes on smoother, and you get glowy skin from a handheld device. the best part?! it's for all skin types!
the end of 2018 was wild. between moving states, the craziness of the holidays, and overall just stressed, my skin was feeling it. combine all of that with now living in the dry air of Arizona and my skin had seen better days. i had tried out my PMD Personal Microderm a few times since receiving it, but at the first of the year i knew i needed to get into a routine to see results. i started using my Personal Microderm once a week, and already i am seeing results! i mentioned on Stories a bit ago that i've been dealing with hormonal acne {a result of getting older + going off birth control}. i have some scarring from it, and i can already tell that they have faded. not completely gone or anything, but i know that being consistent each week with my Personal Microderm will continue to help! plus, since this tool exfoliates off the top layer of dead skin, my moisturizers and serums penetrate so much deeper. so important now that i live in dry Arizona AND it's winter.
here's how it works:-clean and dry your skin-select a sensitivity disc {it comes with a few}. white is for beginners! i'm currently using the grey. next will be blue for me.-plug your PMD Personal Microderm in and turn it on {the PRO that i have has two settings}.-pull skin tight so the device can easily glide over your skin.-move the device quickly across your skin in an upward motion. it will suction to your skin, but it's supposed to! keep moving it and don't hover over one spot.-avoid sensitive eye areas-when finished, use your moisturizers/serums-always clean the cap and disc!i have a coupon code for my followers! use SRL20 for 20% off!if you have any questions about the PMD Personal Microderm, leave them below! i'll be sharing exactly how i do it on Stories soon. xx
thanks to PMD for sponsoring this post!